Only 1 in 19 People Can Ace This African Animals Identification Quiz. Can You?



By: J.P. Naomi

6 Min Quiz

Image: shutterstock

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Pack your bags and get some rest. This safari leaves at the crack of dawn and trust me, you don't want to miss it!

You see, safaris are unlike anything else you'll ever experience. The beautiful sunrise across the horizon, the warm African air that will soon scorch the dried fields of grass. Hey, look! Over there! Do you see the elephants walking freely in the distance? Now look to your left, there's a hippopotamus wading slowly in the water!   

No matter which direction you head, Africa is full of thousands of animals. From aardvarks to bonobos, to zebras and geladas, African animals are a sight for all to see. So we want to know... have you seen enough to ace this quiz? Can you recognize these animals simply from a photo? 

It's time to prepare because we are about to take you on the trip of a lifetime. From the Horn of Africa to the Congolese rainforest, we're taking you across the continent to test your knowledge of these native creatures. Can you keep up with the pack? Or will the wildebeest prey on you until you run away like a kudu! Best of luck and remember, keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle, and don't feed the animals!

What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The aardvark is a medium-sized, burrowing, nocturnal mammal native to Africa. It is the only living species of the order Tubulidentata and has a long pig-like snout!


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The term "oryx" comes from the Greek word óryx, for a type of antelope. Their fur is pale and they have contrasting dark markings on their face and legs. Did you know that their horns are practically straight?


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

While bats are found on every continent, the African yellow bat is native to Sub-Saharan Africa. They roost alone or in small colonies, and they mate in Austral Autumn in southern Africa.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The waterbuck is a large antelope found mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. Waterbucks form herds that range from six to 30 individuals. They were first described by Irish naturalist William Ogilby.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Bonobos are found typically in the Congo Basin in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central Africa. They are omnivorous and are distinguished by their long legs, pink lips, dark face and parted long hair on their head.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Although porcupines are found in Europe and Asia, they are largely found in Africa. They are large, terrestrial and strictly nocturnal rodentian mammals. Did you know they are the third-largest rodent?


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The name kudu comes from the Afrikaans word koedoe, meaning part zebra, part deer. Except for one thing... kudos are a species of antelope. Did you know they will often run away when threatened instead of fighting back?


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Did you know that by 2016, the global cheetah population had been estimated at approximately 7,100 individuals in the wild? It has diminished so much that several African countries have taken steps to improve cheetah conservation measures.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Pangolins are nocturnal and live in hollow trees or burrows. Their diet consists of mainly ants and termites, which they capture using their long tongues.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Did you know that the weight of a male lion can range from 331 - 551 pounds? A female will weigh in slightly less, between 265 - 401 pounds. As we all know from "The Lion King," male lions have a prominent mane, while the female does not.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Duikers are small to medium-sized brown antelopes that are native to Sub-Saharan Africa. They are found in heavily wooded areas and eat leaves, shoots, seeds, fruit, buds and bark.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Native to the African savanna, female elands are smaller than male elands and tend to have a tan coat. Males, on the other hand, are darker, almost with a bluish tone to their fur.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Jackals are medium-sized omnivorous mammals of the genus Canis, which also includes wolves, coyotes and the domestic dog. The most common jackals found in sub-Saharan Africa are the black-backed jackal and side-striped jackal.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The gelada is sometimes called the bleeding-heart monkey!. It is a species of Old World monkey found only in the Ethiopian Highlands, with large populations in the Semien Mountains.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Warthogs are found in mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. They have very distinct tusks, and are largely herbivorous, but occasionally also eat small animals.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The giraffe is a genus of African even-toed ungulate mammals. Did you know that they are the tallest living terrestrial animals?


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The topi is a highly social and fast antelope that belongs to the genus Damaliscus. They are found in the savannas, semi-deserts, and floodplains of sub-Saharan Africa.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The stripes of zebras come in different patterns and they are unique to each individual. Unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys, zebras have never been truly domesticated.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The ratel is also known as the honey badger. It is native to not only Africa but also Southwest Asia and the Indian subcontinent.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Hyrax comes from the Greek word for "shrewmouse" and are also known as dassies. Indeed they seem like pikas or rodents, but they are more closely related to elephants and manatees.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The roan antelope is a savanna antelope found in West, Central, East and Southern Africa. It is the namesake of the Chevaline project, whose name was taken from the French Antilope Chevaline.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Also known as chimps, chimpanzees are native to sub-Saharan Africa, specifically in the Congo jungle. They are currently listed on the IUCN "red list" of critically endangered species.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

A vulture is a scavenging bird of prey! They tend to have a bald head and a lack of normal feathers. A group of vultures is known as a kettle, committee or wake.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Did you know that leopards are also known as pards? They are spread well across sub-Saharan Africa as well as parts of Asia. The markings on their fur are known as rosettes, and are similar to a jaguar's rosettes but smaller and more densely packed!


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The African buffalo is also referred to as the Cape buffalo. It is a large African bovine that is considered highly dangerous. They kill around 200 people every year!


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Bushbuck are herbivores and barely sleep! They are active for close to 24 hours a day. They do, however, tend to be nocturnal near human habitations.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The word rhinoceros comes from the Greek word rhinokeros, meaning nose-horned, but you can call them rhinos for short! Did you know that there are two extant species that are native to Africa while three other species are native to Southern Asia?!


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The gerenuk is also known as the giraffe gazelle. It is a long-necked antelope found in the Horn of Africa as well as the drier parts of East Africa.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Elephants are herbivorous and can be found in different habitats including savannahs, forests, deserts, and marshes. Despite this versatility, they prefer to stay near water.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The bongo is a herbivorous, mostly nocturnal forest ungulate. It is among the largest of the African forest antelope species.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Dik-diks are about 19.5–27.5 inches long and typically weigh between 6.6–13.2 pounds. They can live for up to 10 years. They get their name for the alarm calls of the females.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The sable is an antelope that inhabits wooded savannah in East and Southern Africa. They are known to have a compact and robust build, along with a thick neck and tough skin.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The hartebeest is an African antelope and is also known as kongoni. This African animal is about 79 - 98 inches long and weighs anywhere from 220 - 440 pounds.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Impalas are active mostly during the day. They are known for their leaps and are generally found in woodlands, close to the water.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The common hippopotamus, or hippo for short, is a large, mostly herbivorous, semi-aquatic mammal native to sub-Saharan Africa. Their name comes from the Greek word for "river horse."


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Ostriches are large flightless birds native to Africa. Their diet consists of mostly plant matter, but they have been known to indulge in some invertebrates, such as worms, crabs, clams, lobsters and insects.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Hyenas make up the fifth-smallest biological family in the Carnivora order of the Mammalia class. Despite their population, they are found in most African ecosystems.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

The kob is an antelope found across sub-Saharan Africa, in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria as well as from Senegal to South Sudan. They are diurnal mammals, however, they rest during the highest heat of the day.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Wildebeests are also called gnus. They are native to Africa and are believed to have existed two and a half million years ago, according to wildebeest fossils found throughout the continent.


What is the name of the African animal seen here?

Baboons are found in open savannah, open woodland and hills across Africa. They eat insects and occasionally prey on fish, trout and salmon. When available, they will go after shellfish, hares, birds, vervet monkeys, and small antelopes for food.


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