Can You Answer All of These Questions About Venomous Snakes?



By: Monica Lee

6 Min Quiz

Image: Nicolas Reusens/ Moment/ Getty Images

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According to the World Health Organization, of the more than 600 species of venomous snakes found on earth, only about 200 can do any real damage to humans,  But when they do damage it's mind-blowing. For instance, the king cobra can take down an elephant! This deadly snake delivers enough neurotoxins to kill an Asian elephant, as well as about 50 percent of the humans it bites. You DON'T want to meet it face to face. Even if you stand at a solid six feet tall, this snake can be up to three times your size, reaching 18 feet. Yes, it's the world's longest venomous snake. And that's just one of the snakes you'll slither up to in this quiz. 

Meet the black mamba -- it has one of the fastest-acting venoms. This serpentine creature doesn't have to wait long to ingest its prey. It has a bite that can kill a person in less than 30 minutes! Slip through the domain of snakes and you'll cover the world. It seems they are adaptable to every nook and cranny on earth, from land and sea, to desert and jungle. Meander though this quiz and you'll learn something fascinating about each creepy crawler. But don't slink around, take it now! 

Can you name this deadly viper?

Take a good look at this snake and remember what it looks like! The saw-scaled viper is responsible for more human deaths each year than any other snake. Although the venom isn't the strongest, the snake inhabits parts of India and the Middle East and is often found in populated areas.


What's the name of this venomous snake that could kill an elephant?

The king cobra can take down an elephant. How? It delivers enough neurotoxins to kill an Asian elephant, as well as half the humans it bites. The king cobra is also the world's longest venomous snake, reaching up to 18 feet.


It may not always be large, but its deadly. What is it?

Although this may not be the biggest, it is surely one of the deadliest. The size of the tiger snake varies depending on the niche they inhabit in Southern Australia and Tasmania. They adapt their size to the prey that is readily available. It kills victims with a potent mixture of neurotoxins, coagulants, hemolysins and myotoxins.


Tick, tick, tick ... this snake can kill you in an hour. What's its name?

Stay as far away from this one as possible because one bite, and you could be dead in an hour. This reptile is often referred to as the "fierce snake." Its paralyzing venom causes hemorrhaging in blood vessels and muscle tissues.


What's the name of this deadly creature?

Thank goodness that a bite by this snake is relatively rare for people since its bite is said to be 100 times more deadly than the inland taipan. This snake is native to the Indian and Pacific oceans.


Think fast! What's the name of this snake?

It's fast. It's deadly. And its bite can kill you in less than 30 minutes. The black mamba can move at speeds of up to 12.5 miles per hour. This snake is known for using its lethal fangs to repeatedly stab those unfortunate enough to get in its way, adding more poison with each bite.


You can see the color from a distance and should stay there. What's the name of this snake?

With a yellow underside and yellow rising up on its tail, you can see this viper from a distance, and you shouldn't get any closer. This deadly serpent can be found in tropical waters around the world - including those near California.


This serpent can be hard to see, but its bite will get your attention. What is it?

Native to Africa, boomslangs have incredibly effective camouflage as they dwell in the sub-Saharan trees. The meaning of its name comes from the two Afrikaans words where boom means "tree" and slang means "snake."


What's the name of this slithering creature?

It's as plain as the nose on your face. This snake has horns, thus it's called the horned viper. This species of venomous snakes is native to North Africa and the Middle East. The horns are modified scales which protect the snake's eyes from sand and also help it with camouflage.


We're nosy. Which snake do you think this is?

This highly venomous hook-nosed sea snake lives along the coast of South Asia. Thankfully, its preferred prey is fish ... so far.


What is the name of this scary fella?

The many-banded krait is the most venomous Asian snake. It is a nocturnal snake, meaning that during the day it stays hidden under stones or in holes. The venom from one bite is enough to kill two dozen men!


This snake goes to the top of the "deadly list." What's its name?

The eastern brown snake is native to Australia. It's no mate of the Australians because its bite kills more people there than any other snake, according to the Australian Reptile Park.


This ssssly ssssnake is simply dangerous. What's its name?

Sea snakes are air-breathing reptiles and must come to the surface to breathe, however they can spend from 30 minutes to two hours diving between breaths. So don't think you're safe if you don't see them, they may be swimming below your feet!


What's the name of the serpent is this scene?

The largest vipers in Africa, gaboon vipers, are lethargic and placid-natured. These broad-headed serpents are slow and rarely bite people. Nevertheless, their venom is lethal, so steer clear of them.


This snake hails from Japan, but don't ever introduce yourself. What's its name?

In Japan they have recorded 2,000 to 3,000 people getting bitten by mamushi each year. The severe bites require intensive care, and approximately 10 victims die annually.


These babies come with their own rattle. What's the name of this snake?

You would know that “rattle” sound anywhere, it's one of the most recognizable and scariest sounds in nature. Over 8,000 people are bitten by rattlesnakes in the United States each year. On average, fewer than 10 snakebite deaths are reported.


What's the name of this wondrous worm?

Cottonmouth snakes, like all pit vipers, have heat-sensing pits on their faces, between their eyes and nostrils. The name "cottonmouth" comes from the white coloration of the inside of the snake's mouth.


What's the name of this beautiful species?

The Indian cobra is one of the snakes responsible for most of human fatalities by snakebite in India. These cobras are easily identified by their large and quite impressive hood. They expand their hoods when feeling threatened, showing the famous hood mark.


What's the name of this reptile?

The common death adder is one of the most venomous land snakes in Australia and globally. Its bite contains highly toxic neurotoxin which can cause paralysis or even death. It can deliver the fastest strike among all venomous snakes recorded in Australia.


North America has its killer snakes, too. What's the name of this one?

The copperhead snake accounts for the largest number of snake bites in the US every year. Bite symptoms include intense pain, tingling, throbbing, swelling and severe nausea.


What's the name of this descriptive viper?

It's called Ilha da Queimada Grande, better known as "Snake Island," and it's home to 2,000 golden lancehead vipers off the coast of Brazil. These snakes are so venomous that even if you get a dose of anti venom right after you're bitten, you're probably still going to die.


If this one slinks into view, run the other way. What's the name of this snake?

The eyelash viper is a venomous pit viper species found in Central and South America. Small and living in trees, this species is characterized by a unique set of scales over its eyes that resemble 'eyelashes'.


Remember, if you're looking closely at this viper, it's also looking closely at you. What's its name?

The venom of the monocled cobra is one of the fastest acting of venomous snakes. Monocled cobras are prized for their magnificent hood, which sports circular markings that resemble eyes.


What's the name of this wriggly worm?

The massasauga is a pit viper and is venomous. The adults are not large, ranging from 24 to 30 inches in length, and can be found in Midwestern North America from southern Ontario to northern Mexico, and parts of the United States.


Don't slink around. The answer is right in front of you. What's the name of this serpent?

The eastern green mamba is a large, tree-dwelling, highly venomous snake species. Because of its coloration, it's very well camouflaged in trees or bushes, thus it is rarely found in open terrain.


This snake can tell you a colorful story, what is its name?

The red-bellied black snake is native to eastern Australia. Though its venom is capable of causing death, a bite from it is not generally fatal. This small woodland snake ranges from four to 10 inches long.


Worm your way through the rest of these questions. What's the name of this deadly serpent?

You can recognize the vipera aspis by its head, which is broad, triangular and quite distinct from the neck. The tip of the snout is slightly but distinctly upturned. Its bite, deadly.


Whats the name of this creepy creature?

You won't forget a timber rattlesnake if you meet one while hiking. They have the characteristic rattles on the end of their tail and are large, heavy-bodied snakes. These rattlesnakes hibernate during cold weather and congregate in dens in mountainous areas.


Don't get entwined with this one. What's the name of this snake?

Australian has its share of venomous snakes, and one of them is the mulga snake. You don't need to take out a measuring tape, just looking at the mulga snake you'll know it's one of the longest venomous snakes in the world.


This slithering serpent needs a warning sign on it. What's its name?

The fer-de-lance is believed to be one of the most dangerous snakes in the Western Hemisphere. You may also know it as terciopelo or Bothrops asper. Found from southern Mexico to northern South America this slithering terror is distinguished by a small sensory pit between each eye and nostril and broad triangular head.


Don't let this serpent take a bite out of you. What's its name?

The reason why the bite of the macrovipera lebetina is so toxic is that the teeth remain in the prey so a substantial amount of poison can be released. Despite the size of this viper, it can still climb into trees.


This creepy crawler moves from side to side. What's its name?

The crotalus cerastes, also known as the horned rattlesnake and sidewinder rattlesnake, is a venomous pit viper species found in the desert regions of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico. It travels across sand extremely quickly.


Don't let this snakey creature hypnotize you. What's the name of this snake?

The Egyptian cobra is a venomous snake and one of the largest cobra species found in the African continent. Its other common name is Cleopatra's asp, due a story that Cleopatra committed suicide by being bitten by an Egyptian cobra.


You can't wriggle out of this one, what's the name of this snake?

Bothrops jararaca — known as the jararaca — is found in southern Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina. The unusual name, jararaca, is derived from the Tupi words yarará and ca, which mean "large snake".


If this snake glides up to you, don't ask its name. Instead, choose the correct one below -- which one is it?

Try not to explore abandoned houses or farms in Asia, this species inhabits mountainous or cultivated areas and is frequently found in those dwellings. It is mainly nocturnal and great care should be taken when around one, as it is very aggressive and its poison can be fatal.


What's the name of this swimmingly popular snake?

Don't be fooled by its timid nature. Although the Belcher's sea snake (also known as the faint-banded sea snake) is reticent to bite, when it does it has one of the most venomous bites among sea snakes.


The serpentine movement on this one will catch your eye. What's its name?

The puff adder (Bitis arietans) is found in African Savannah and grasslands. Once you see the defensive S-shaped posture and hear the loud hiss when this venomous viper is disturbed, RUN the other way. It's a warning, but don't wait for the strike.


You're winding your way through this quiz. What's the name of this one?

Bothrops alternatus, a pit viper species, is venomous and can be found in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina. "Alternatus", which is Latin for "alternating" references to the staggered markings along the body. Although its bites are rarely fatal, they will cause severe tissue damage.


Your meanderings have come to an end. Last question: what's the name of this snake?

Let's end this quiz with the least poisonous snake. Common garter snakes are relatively harmless, although some species do possess a mild neurotoxic venom. However, garden snake saliva can be deadly to snails, salamanders and other animals they eat.


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